Hawkeye Mobile Harmony allows you to interface with AMAG using any device with a modern web browser, including iOS, Android, and desktop browsers.
No configuration is necessary. You login to Harmony with your Symmetry username and password. All of your User Role permissions are respected by Harmony, so an Installer account can have unrestricted access, whereas a guest account might be able to only search for cards or create Visitor cards.
Card Holders
- Search Card Holders and Visitors using a single Google-like search box
- Support for Barcode, iClass, Mifare, HID Prox, CAC and TWIC using Grabba scanners on iPhone/iPod and Android
- Support for iClass, Mifare, HID Prox, CAC and TWIC using Omnikey on Windows
- Support for Mifare, CAC and TWIC using NFC on Android
- Create Card Holders and Visitors
- Check reader access and deactivate cards
- Visitors can be signed in, signed out, and closed
- Report card reads back to SMS for later auditing
- Audio indication of card validity status
- Standard SMS and HSE are supported
- Print 3x2" badges using a mobile Zebra WiFi printer
- View the Symmetry Muster list
- Muster cards in and out using the device by setting the Muster Mode
- Muster cards manually, using a Grabba or Android NFC
- Muster settings are per client, allowing for multiple mustering
- Print the Muster list using a mobile Zebra WiFi printer
- Clear alarms and add comments
- Real-time and history
Command Center
- Get status and send commands to Readers, Auxiliary Outputs and Monitor Points
Harmony is an ASP.NET website that's installed on your local network. It requires a WiFi or cell connection from your device for access. If you're looking for an offline muster/card verification solution, try Mobile Muster.
Harmony Browser on iOS reading smart cards using Grabba and badging using the camera on iPod Touch
Harmony Browser on Android reading Mifare using NFC and badging using the camera on a Nexus 7